Welcome to my home page. This page contains links to various information that I am willing to share with the world.
The weather data is collected by a Davis Instruments Vantage Pro. Besides my web page, it also feeds the Citizen Weather Observer Program.
Data for the 3D cave maps is generated by Therion and viewed with CaveView.js.
A few months ago I ran a series of tests to determine how long various kinds of batteries last in several of my cave lights. A link to the results is below.
I have a channel on YouTube. The contents will change over time. Right now it has some caving videos from Geronimo Spring Cave, and a set of videos demonstrating how to assemble a cave intrusion detector.
I have several computers running
BOINC client.
They process data from Seti@Home,
and LHC (Large Hadron Collider).
This image shows the work accomplished by my systems. It is updated two or three times
every day.